"Wrong WAV" Facebook Page Launched to Fight Catastrophic NYC TLC
FHV Wheelchair Accessibility Rule Vote

The Black Car Fund, joined by the BCAC and various other fellow Industry Partners make up the Industry Coalition which has been fighting against the proposed NYC TLC FHV Wheelchair Accessibility rule; for more information on the efforts by the Industry Coalition throughout the timeline of this issue, click here to read a recent Crain's article on the group and issue

The NYC TLC moved forward with its vote on December 13, 2017 and passed the crushing rule. A Facebook page called "Wrong WAV" has been launched, dedicated to fighting this rule. It is CRUCIAL you all "Like" and "Share" this page with your entire Facebook friends list. 

The bottom line is this - this Industry has given us all so much, and we can't stand by while the TLC passes a rule which would lead to the mass closing of smaller bases, and the loss of COUNTLESS jobs within our many diverse communities. Make sure your voice is heard TODAY! 

Also, begin to use the hashtag (#) #WrongWAV on every and all social media platform to make sure this CRUCIAL message is spread as far as possible! 

While the NYC TLC may have voted, there is still more to come in our efforts to protect the Industry.